Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nutrition For Recovering Meth Addicts: Restoring Liver Function Part 1

Recovery from meth abuse involves many different components, including proper organ functioning, assuring mental well being and proper metabolism.

A huge factor in the healing process is proper nutrient supply. Nutrients are essential for not only for energy, but also to keep the immune system strong. Recovery from substance abuse results in additional demands on the body -- including metabolism (processing energy), organ function, and mental well being. Restoring liver function for a recovering meth addict is very important.

Be sure to check with your doctor to make sure you will not be doing your body further damage as each person recovering from meth addiction will have different needs depending on their state of health, their period of use and how far they are into recovery.

Restoring Liver Function Through Diet

When helping the liver to recover from meth addiction try and limit the amount of dairy produce you consume, especially full-cream milk and cheese (remember this is just a short-term measure... these foods can be introduced back into your diet again after the liver detox which is recommended for 2 weeks). Also avoid starchy foods like potatoes, bread and rice.

Keep your intake of salt and saturated fats low and avoid processed foods, sugar, and caffeine. Instead, eat plenty of fish, meat, poultry, eggs, green vegetables, fruit, beans, nuts and seeds. Essential fatty acids are particularly beneficial so eat more avocados and have cold-pressed oils, such as olive oil, sunflower oil and linseed oil.

Fiber is vital in helping to eliminate toxins, such as meth residue from your body in your bile - otherwise these are simply re-absorbed. And remember to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to help flush harmful toxins from your body.

There are certain natural compounds, found in foods or manufactured by your body, that are strongly 'lipotropic' - meaning they remove toxins and bad fats from your liver and allow it to function normally again which is helpful for the recovering meth addict.

One such substance is a derivative of the amino acid methionine, called s-adenosyl methionine (or SAMe). It is normally produced in your liver, from methionine, folic acid and vitamin B12. However, it stops being produced in sufficient quantities if your liver is clogged up with toxins and fats that can collect due to addiction.

SAMe protects your liver from the effects of harmful chemicals such as meth, which must pass through your liver to be detoxified. It also promotes the flow of bile, which is essential for the digestion of fats and for the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.Taking supplements of SAMe has been found to help restore normal liver function, even in people with more serious liver diseases such as hepatitis. Recommended dosage: 400mg of SAMe a day.

Phosphatidyl choline and inositol can remove toxic deposits from your liver an aid in meth recovery as well. Phosphatidyl choline (PC) is essential for the healthy functioning of all the cells in your body, and is particularly beneficial for your liver.Like SAMe, PC also protects your liver from the damaging effects of toxins, alcohol and drugs. It is needed for the proper metabolism of fats and has the ability to remove fat from the liver.

The best dietary sources of PC are eggs, liver and other organ meats, soya beans, nuts and wheat germ. One can also take either one tablespoon of lecithin granules, 4,800mg of lecithin concentrate or 2,500mg of pure phosphatidyl choline a day.

Stimulant use, including use of crack, cocaine, and methamphetamine, can result in a significant decrease in appetite, weight loss, and eventual malnutrition. When one is trying to recover from a meth addiction, nutrition for the recovering meth addict is of utmost importance.

In following parts of this series we will look at the foods, meal plans, snacks and more resources that aid in the nutrition for a recovering meth addict in more detail. And always remember to check with your doctor, dietitian or homeopath before beginning any regimen.


  1. This is the most valuable information for recovery. There's one way the right way and this is it
